OK bare with me on this one!......A couple of years ago I planted a pear tree (comice, grafted to quince stock A), which was snapped off at...
I agree with fancy and pete.Also most commercial aubergines are F1 hybrids which means the seeds won't be true to type.Much better to...
Sorry to disappoint you Dee, but earwigs CAN fly - seriously!Nick.
Nice one Dan.My pumpkin vines have climbed all over the onions. I keep trying to divert them but it seems that's where they want to go....
Mine are doing OK they're about 6 foot tall and are covered with lovely purple pods and pink flowers.I like the purple varieties as they look...
I have this problem too... lots of plums setting nicely but the leaves are all curled up. looks like it's getting worse.Did a bit of research...
Hi Golfer,I usually plant spinach, mustard greens, pak choi and winter radishes outside in september all are fast growing so are usually...
You're right Liz. They're a distant relative of garden mint which explains why they're a little invasive. Grew these a few years back, taste...
Hi EthansmumJust a quick thought: You say the seeds are from a jar, are they from pickled/preserved peppers? If so I don't think they'll...
Hi Watermead,Have you tried hand-pollinating the female flowers with a paintbrush? I find this helps the plant set it's fruit dramatically,...
Hi Vince - Count me in!Managed 2.1 kilos last year on virgin soil last year, and have got a few more varieties to play around with this year....
Hi Dalbuie I'll be dead jealous if you get any fruits. I've tried them four years running, disaster every year.But from failure comes knowledge...
Hey guys and galsThought I might try soybeans this year (like a challenge!), have bought some T&M seeds, variety 'ustie'. Supposedly for a more...
Now I'm confused. Never heard of a 'Bramley' crab apple.You David?
Welll...the only two apple trees in my garden (and I suspect the only two apple trees for miles as I'm in the middle of a pretty urban area) are...
Well, 'reasonably self-pollinating', whatever that means.....
Hi guys.Hate to butt in, but the crab will pollinate the braeburn(which are apparently self-pollinating anyway.)Nick.
Don't think you'll get potatoes or runner beans out of a container that size Keith, but how about dwarf french beans or peppers??Also you should...
Walnut, these are one of the oldest known cultivated vegetables.They're expensive in my local carribean supermarket, but I figure if I can grow...
Whilst we're on the subject, does anyone have any idea which colocasia varieties are edible?I know in many parts of the world the tuber is...
Separate names with a comma.