Personally i always seed in preference to turf.The key is to take time preparing, kill off, cultivate, rake roll and ree rake. Sow the seed...
Clopyralid is also the active ingredient in the trade selective of choice that I use for fine lawns (Bayer spear head) I use this specifically...
As for pruning, I would avoid topping it as you describe and stick to thinning out the canopy as treesurfer suggests.The pruning you...
BTW, The CORGI gas redgistration scheme is supopsed to stamp out dangerouse gas instalations.... just look at the number of prosecutions and now...
By meeting them and assessing aptitude and personality.
Walnut, Cats are cats, free spirits and very intelligent animals. To coop them up as house cats would be nothing short of cruelty. As for leads,...
Anyone worth their salt looking for a trades person of any trade should stick to recommendations and follow them up. I have seen some shocking...
Looks like Robinia Frisia. The Frisia variety are being hit by a virus(vascular wilt) and many are dieing off all over the country. Around here I...
................... and some predictable replies!!!!!
Even the Monsanto Roundup 450 biactive (trade) doesnt work effectivly on mares tails....... I doubt the tescos stuff will...... if so then they...
Not sure, but I think i recognize the face shape.
There arent really any trade products suitable, a few for clearing fairy rings on golf courses and a few general fungicides but these are all VERY...
I asume it is petrol. The most likely cause is that the drive belt needs tensioning, possibly the cables adjusted as well even if they appear...
Ill look forward to the replies on this!!!!!A water pistol works well but every time i mention it 'someone' gets irate about cruelty .........
Path clear and sodium clorate are about the only good residuals sold for ameture use...... amonium sulphamate also if you can find it.Even...
Basicly if poss leave it alone and keep any pruning to an absolute minimum, make clean cuts leaving the branch union stub. Walnuts can only be...
Terrier, they usually do... most often were the soils is quite dry the nest are usually cricket ball sized wads of dried grass with the cells in...
Bumblebees Lyn. Just let them be and they wont bother you.
Lyn, They are either bumble bees or wasps....most unlikely to be honey bees.I would guess wasps.If Bumble bees then leave them alone as...
I rekon they are wasps, if they were bees you would have seen a proper swarm huddled together and heard them. With a bee swarm they wouldnt be a...
Separate names with a comma.