ah it might still be ok... I went away for 3 weeks and asked OH to water the garden.... he watered the GRASS but not the plants! Sigh! I could...
By the by, I used glyphosate and the cane technique plus the untangle, stick in bad and spray technique and its working!! Bindweed is still...
yep, my bluerries don't do tapwater at all! I also give them a good feed once every 2 weeks as from spring through to autumn
I had a 5 white lupins (snowqueen) which had a lovely scent :-)
Gorgeous garden! It must have taken a HUGE amount of work to get to this stage but wow, was it worth it! Congratulations! And thank you so much...
hi guys,So I'm on my summer hols and as a result, have wedded my garden to within an inch of its life, chopped back, re-planted and sorted out...
Hey guys, I have 5 lovely lupins in my boarder, but for the second year in a row they have been really badly attacked by aphids. I don't like to...
this sounds like a great option - I will try it this weekend :-) I cannot believe I have spent so much time making my garden look pretty and its...
I think there is bindweed growing through next doors hedge! We chopped it back (leylandi) so it was dead on our side, trailed jasmine and clematis...
love some of the stories on this thread! It made me have a good laugh this morning!
this is really handy - I had no idea and wondered why my tulips never seem to reappear!! thanks
Hey guys, I have 2 questions about my blueberries....3 years ago I planted two tiny blueberry plants grown that year from seed by a friend...
yep, I brought a couple of hostas in hairy pots 2 years ago - 2 others were doing brilliantly, these weren't so dug them up to move them and...
and very lovely they are too...! :-) congrats...
oh boo :-( Have you had no fruit at all then? They are delicious - like a sweeter, less tart version of raspberries - love them! Is yours in a pot...
hey guys,I vaguely remember someone else having one of these and thought I'd write and say that after a few years of 'average' fruiting, I...
thanks - I tried washing up liquid and it didnt seem to be working :-( maybe I just needed to stick with it for a bit longer...anyway, the fruit...
yep, exactly!
right have brought a generic fruit plant spray and sprayed with that because whatever it was was spreading and no amount of picking off was...
eeeeeew! my sis has terrible probs with slugs downstairs in her house - she lays salt traps and beer traps every night but its gross in the mornings!
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