OK, sounds like a plan.
I hacked the laurel down, treated with stump killer and removed all new shoots as they appeared. I read about a plant exhausting its energy. I had...
Update for you. Firstly the fungal infection came back on the laurels. Not surprising as I didn't follow the peach leaf instructions properly,...
Hi, thanks for the reply. I did 50% for the second feed.I only see ants on the laurel, but didn't know they were helping. I'll leave it for now...
Hi, thought I'd post a quick update. I did the drench application for the fungus on the laurels. I did the feed a week later. I also cut them back...
I bought the vitax q4 and the copper drench yesterday. I'll give them both a try and update with how I get on.
That's the cistus plant!
Another question for general advice. Over recent seasons I have found the plants in this bed grow into each other and become messy. I'm a bit OCD...
Thanks for the advice Cuttings. I found vitax copper mixture on ebay so will get some.Re the hebe yes it does have long stems with leaves at the...
Just to double check we're saying prune the smaller crappy one? I assume the idea is it will promote regrowth?I thought I would post a picture...
Thanks all, some good suggestions. I'll jot them down and pay the shops a visit when they reopen. Sounds like a cherry tree won't work but the...
Forgot size, approx 40cm diameter at top.
Thanks for the suggestions. A friend of mine had a variety of raspberry that fruited the same year it grew, would prefer that. Didn't want to go...
Hi, we have 5 large plant pots that I would like to put something in. I'm after recommendations for plants that do well in pots, look colourful,...
What do you recommend for copper drench? I had a quick look on ebay but found all sorts that wasn't correct!
As in the very bottom of the plant? Or do you mean the bottom of a branch? I do find my big one grows into my other plants so I've been pruning at...
OK, thanks. I'm a bit reluctant to prune the hebe to be honest, as it is much smaller than the other already. Perhaps just cut the crappy bits...
So you think stop feeding the hebes and prune it a bit? Is there a correct way to prune, or is it as straight forward as I think? I don't have a...
Ooh, can't remember. Leaves are thin and purple if it helps. Any strategies for improving how it looks?
Other info - soil is very clay like but I prepped it as per the instuctions at the garden shop. I didn't realise when I bought the hebes that the...
Separate names with a comma.