Good news...appears that we might be getting some cherries on the tree [ATTACH]In other cherry related queries, I planted in a stella cherry...
Thanks guys, i'll get onto mulching the trees instead of feeding then. I'm glad that fruit looks promising. I won't get my hopes up too much but...
Thanks @pete I can give this a whirl in winter, what do you suggest using?
It's in the ground, I wish I could tell you for how long but I acquired it with the allotment. I've fed it twice only since the weathers picked...
I seem to remember posting about this tree last year. It seemed to be suffering, with the leaves curling and almost weeping. It did not look in...
@Jasmine star It really does look so healthy! Keep us updated when it starts to flower. Last year mine flowered in two halves, if I had flowers on...
I dug in a cranberry bush today. I say bush, it's tiny at the moment :biggrin: will be good to see it a few years down the line! Hoping it does...
Yeah marestail, it pops up in my allotment, everywhere! It's a nightmare
You're right, the past few springs have been quite warm and balmy! Not quite the same this year, sunny days followed by pretty chilly nights. Down...
The ever sunny and totally dry...South Wales :scratch::biggrin:
I'm actually shocked at all the pommie info here! So glad I've bought one, I'm looking forward to seeing it's progress...let hope it's as hardy as...
The intensive care unit :biggrin: this made me chuckle given my nursey background! Hope my pomegranate doesn't end up there!!!
Here here, think my veggie patch would be dead and buried in those temps :th scifD36::frown:
I think i'll aim to just get it flowering then :biggrin: maybe should have gone for the tayberries instead haha!!
I'm totally in awe. How did they fare before they died back. That's one of my main worries, the winter protection. I was planning to put it in at...
Hey all! I was perusing in the shop today and curiosity got the better of me. I noticed what looked like a shrub, it's supposedly a pomegranate....
Thanks for all the advice! I've never really thought about them eating other pests so it's given me food for thought. Maybe I should sit back and...
Does anyone have any natural remedies to repel the pesky red ants? Of course..I haven't seen any in the cold weather, the sun comes out...and...
Absolutely lovely afternoon here. Took a trip to the garden centre...hooray. Overwhelming amount of people getting garden ready though. Picked up...
On another note, can you reuse the compost/soil that seeds have failed to germinate in? :scratch:
Separate names with a comma.