Hi, hope you can help.When we moved in to our house 4 yrs ago there were two large conifers in the back garden. Two summers ago we had them...
'This way up' indeed! I'll look forward to my upside down courgettes! Thanks for your advice, might try again with a new pack, I do love courgettes!
This is my third year of growing veg etc and I decided to try some different varieties of old favourites - such as ball courgettes. I've never...
I've indoor and outdoor tomatoes, the outdoor ones are in two areas of the garden and the potatoes are in another - they form a triangle. Only...
It's soul destroying, isn't it! last year I had no idea what I was doing and got a great crop, this year I've tried to do everything right, and...
Hii've just noticed that two of my (too many) tomato plants look like they have blight (like the v helpful pictures posted - thank you). The...
Thanks everyone. I was very angry about the shrubs - and said so, not that it had much effect. They then claimed 8" of our land was theirs,...
Thank you, I've been encouraging my partner to water the plants lately and noticed that he's a bit happy with the hose! I'll do it myself from...
Thank you, was a bit worried I'd have to destry everything, especially as it's spread to the courgettes too.
My neighbours have decided to put a fence along their boundary with our house. Apart from the fact that they came into our garden (without...
It's not really a good day today! I've several outdoor cucumber plants growing in pots and growbags around the garden - about half long green...
Hii was pottering in my greenhouse this morning and I noticed several sad looking leaves on my tomatoes - when I say sad, I mean rotten...
Thanks all. Definitely 3 FOOT and not 3 inches - although it might explain why I can't park the car! i'll leave it a few more weeks and see if...
Hello. I planted out first earlies in mid March in potato bags. The greenery looks healthy and is about 3' above the top of the bag although no...
The greenhouse is very very old (and in some places literally green despite scrubbing!) and there are some areas where the glass doesn't meet...
I think I probably planted my cucumber (and courgette) seeds too early. The indoor cucumbers I planted mid April and potted into 7" pots about a...
Thanks all. I've got potatoes planted in tubs and sacks and nowhere else to put the runner beans so I'll have to dig them up - shame really!
Thank you everyone. I think 4 dozen is possibly beyond me but I will try planting some french beans in June and combine Pamsdish's and Dave W's...
Hi.I did a compost trench this year, intending it for my runner beans. I filled it in about 4 weeks ago. We threw some new potatoes in there...
...should I grow for a family of 3? I've got 12 growing in pots to transplant into a container soon but will this be enough? And should I be...
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