After all the talk of this last year I started, I never actually got it done! I intend to do it this year though...
Thread resurrection!I bought a mattock, borrowed a pruning saw, and just went at it. It took several hours work, but the roots were more spread...
A garden fork should be fine. It just makes smaller holes than a hollow tine aerator. I tend to do mine with a fork at about 6 inch spacing.
I've put an Autumn feed down 2 weeks ago. The blades have gone up a notch on the mower, and it'll only be getting cut every so often now. I...
Thanks for the comments so far. Having had a closer look, they aren't leylandii, but some sort of generic evergreen. Not Juniperus, but maybe...
The previous owners of our house planted 2 leylandii horizontalis and a small leylandii-type tree in the front garden. I haven't been hugely keen...
Rather than a spreadsheet, I figure that if I put it on my blog, I can refer to it the next year, and others can see what I'm doing wrong!
Hi all, Last year I had a go at growing some tomatos, which seemed to be a success, so this year I think I might have a go at more edible...
I think you're right. I'm sure I've read somewhere that removed turfs (turves?) can be stacked grass side down and allowed to compost to make loam.
That surely depends to some extent upon the weather, which isn't all that predictable. I'd imagine that the lawn will grow into the topdressing...
As I was the one who started this thread, I thought I'd let you know that I intend to give the lawn an autumn feed this weekend, then scarify,...
Because then I'd have to find a bag! :p The idea of topdressing beds never occurred to me. I suppose it serves the same purpose as topdressing...
Simple questions, purely out of interest. How big is your garden shed (if you have one)? Is it for garden stuff only, or do you have other junk...
That's my candidate for post of the month! :p We're very luck here that despite being in a village with a A road through it, on a relatively new...
Only just seen this thread. Lovely greenhouse - I think wooden greenhouses are much nicer to look at than aluminium ones. I'm sure this time next...
I grew some sweet million this year. I've never grown tomatoes (or anything else for that matter!) before. We have had quite a few tomatoes that...
Hi all, When we moved into this house 9 months ago we inherited a plastic dalek compost bin. We compost plenty of stuff, and I give the top 12"...
Autumn apparently. I intend to do it late September.
So that others may be warned... ;)
Why? To build up the soil slightly, reduce lumps and bumps, improve my 'orrible soil slightly, and give the grass something to grow into. Price?...
Separate names with a comma.