thanks everyone.
Hi. I have a 20 year old Laburnum. Every spring it flowers profusely.Except this year. It did produce about a dozen or so flowers and it is...
I bought some seedlings from garden centre. They are quite small so is it ok to plant them out yet or should I keep them in the greenhouse for a...
I read you can use supermarket garlic. Its cheaper unless you want a specific variety. I planted some yesterday,cost me 30p and got 12 cloves from...
Managed to get some spring cabbage and some cauliflower. Put some garlic in today.Will look out for beans.
Hi everyone. Are there any veggies I can plant now or am I too late. Outside, not greenhouse. Thanks
We want to grow cabbage,leeks,salads (next summer) anything like that. We have an endless supply of manure as our caravan is kept at a stable. In...
Me and the other half have decided to give up part of our garden to create a small veg patch.We have built a raised bed area which we will to fill...
I cant believe nobody out there can answer my question. I am going to go and weep now!
I have what I think is a fairly healthy plant in the greenhouse.My problem is the plant has produced loads of fruits but they wither and die when...
I have been growing my potatoes in a bag. They are in full flower now. When can I harvest them?
Thankyou to everyone who answered. I might get onto my local MP, it could be a way for him to pay me back some of the funds he got for a loft...
I am really annoyed. Just called local allotment secretary and he told me there is a 2 year waiting list. 2 YEARS. I am most annoyed because he...
I knew a boy who lost the sight in one eye because of dog poo. I cant ever imagine wanting to eat anything that has been in contact with it. Is...
Hi. Can I grow beetroot in a gro bag. I have got some in a large tub and they seem to be ok. Not sure how far down they grow.
Hi. Thanks everyone for your comments. I was planning on planting in a bag as well. So here goes.
I have got some shop bought potatoes that have started to sprout. Can I plant them or do I have to use seed potatoes ? Thanks.
Hi, I am thinking of growing a Echium Fatuosum - Pride of Madeira. Can anyone tell me if they are fast or slow growing. I have only ever seen...
Thankyou everyone for your views on this.I will get in touch with the council and see where I stand. Thanks again.
We have lived in our house for nearly 20 years.Our garden backs onto a road.Between our fence and the road there are some sycamore trees. They...
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