I should have read this thread first. I am having no end of problems with snails (and slugs). I have a clematis which hasn't flowered for two...
Hmm I wonder if a network of beer traps would do the trick? I think the clematis snails must hide in the ivy. Thanks for the info.
A bit more info. I have what some might call a "cottage" garden, ie. I like it quite wild so there is not much space around the plants. I use slug...
I have a perenial problem with slugs and snails. I have a clematis which never flowers because the little bs eat the flower heads before they...
Shrubs: Viburnum Bodentense pink flowers over winter but can get big. Cornus there are some very nice varigated varieties with bright red or pink...
most new computers come with the option of booting in Vista or XP (ask if unsure) I am still running XP and I am very happy with it. Trouble is...
Don't know about the tay either but blackberry should flourish and take over if not kept in check
Just a thought but don't Irises like full sun? Or is that only bearded ones?
Well this is an oft repeated rant of mine about BBC "lifestyle" programmes in general. The first time I noticed it was with the Food show which...
Another plant dead in the rockery. Same suspicious set of circumstances. This time it was my Silene Maritima. Planted last year flourished,...
Hi and welcome to the site :)
Yup things are on the up now. The daffs are mostly in bloom now and today I found a snakes head frittilery. aubretia is out now and the dwarf...
Ah they were mini cyclamen so maybe they have bitten the dust
I attempted this last year. All germinated but then went away for a week and the neighbours forgot to water them. Many died off and the remaining...
Thanks for that I will keep an eye on them
Glad you got it but if not most new PC's have a duel boot option for XP or Vista so it might be worth having a look at that. Personally I prefer...
We had pancakes and they were luvverly :)
lobelia victoria. I plan on dividing mine soon
Mine have just arrived hurrah! Spring is on its way :)
I love cyclamen but know very little about them. I have planted some a few months ago and now all but one have vanished, leaves and flowers gone...
Separate names with a comma.