I agree with you they seem to be quite hardy, even though websites usually show them as half-hardy.We've had an awful lot of frosts this winter...
Thanks @Pete8. I'll proceed cautiously then.I'm thinking I might snip one or two back and leave the rest, to see if it makes a difference.
I have a number of cerinthes that germinated in the garden last summer/autumn, after last year's plants set seed. They grew quite strongly over...
You might be alright depending on where you are. I planted one a few years ago and so far it's survived the winters here, 8 miles from the Kent...
Had glorious weather on Saturday in between Friday and Sunday's storms. Managed to finish mulching all my beds (a job I started late November) and...
I've had a potted olive tree in the garden for more 12 years and I've never protected it and never had a problem. I once left it unattended in...
As a weekend gardener, I keep going all through winter. The days are short and some days get washed out or (occasionally) frozen out, then there...
On the amount of light, it's worth bearing in mind that the sun's not just lower in winter, but it follows a much shorter arc across the sky. So...
You can plant them out in the autumn, or overwinter them in pots outside and plant them out early spring. I've done both in recent years.
100% that's a common frog
No rain again this weekend, but markedly cooler, around 20 degrees.Everything is dry now. The lawn hasn't grown a jot since I last mowed it 9...
One just emerged from mine![ATTACH]
Very pleasant down here and much cooler today at 24 degrees (5 degrees down on yesterday). It's all starting to look a little dry - just 1.7mm of...
Almost halfway through the month, and the weather station in my garden tells me June so far has been half-a-degree cooler than May.
To me, that looks like the kind of willowherb seedlings that pop up in my garden. I could be wrong of course. No harm in letting them grow a...
I agree with this. For me the problem is that at Chelsea we see gardens designed to look perfect now, while a real garden needs to look good...
I have 4 clumps in the garden that spread like crazy. Every autumn I lift the 4 clumps and discard half to two-thirds. That way they stay around...
Another busy day planting out, mowing, watering pots, and potting on the stuff I'm not quite sure what to do with. Finally got the chance to sit...
To me, definitely a lily
I had mint planted out in my old garden, and it did spread rampantly but only across the area where it was planted (which was small and separate...
Separate names with a comma.