Downy mildew would appear to be the culprit i lost loads to this nasty disease
thanks at the moment my onions dont look too bad but the rust appeared very suddenly on the leaks and looks quite heavy.They also seemed to have...
try a mattock or a large axe for the roots
yeah i think a stump grinder is going to be your answer Those stumps shouldnt regrow but it'll take years before they rot sufficiently to remove...
Just noticed my leaks have developed what looks like rust - orange streaks and tiny blobs on the leaves. Maybe that is whey they bolted
ok thanks
does any know which fungicide to use for mildew on vines?At elast i think its mildew .Every year I find that about now the fruits start becoming...
my fig produces fruit but they never come to anything and just drop off in the winter.As far as I know it suppose to produce fruitlets which grow...
Hi sorry to take so long to respond, been busy. Thinking about it weeds may have had something to do with it as I let them get too out of hand...
Hi Last year they did ok although the leaks had too much leaf area and not enough stem .This year for some rason they are going to seed despite...
thank you all
I am thinking Provado here
so how does one determine whether they are deteriminate or indeterminate varieties?When they are young they all look pretty much the same
Nearly all the leaves are curled now and it looks like blackfly are the cause. Anything I can use to spray the tree with? Something systemic perhaps?
thanks ! would you do that with cherry varieties as well?
yes of course but would I be correct i assuming that too many trussses result in very small fruit? Then again that wouldnt matter with Cherry...
I always have but friend of mine is adamant that some tomatoes cultivars should be left alone .Is he right? I always saw pinching out as way of...
I have and they are now coming along
beautiful plants lovely flowers but nooooooo beans. Any idea why?
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