Yeah will have to watch that ; like you ziggy if im'e not gardening or golfing im'e fishin. I blame dave and his marvelous fish box idea ,...
Yes squid/mackerel the longshore boys off the beach at lowestoft still go herring driving a the end of sept/oct so fresh not a problem, Trouble is...
Me to ziggy and one of my mates is a fish merchant , i have put all my remaining leeks im pots so i will lay in a store for next year and by the...
Thanks for your help and the link - interesting stuff - I guess I'm guilty of overwatering. Do you reckon this applies to leeks as well? I don't...
Yes ziggy and a bit slimey but can't see any visible signs of onion fly
Got onion fly in my leeks last year and lost all 70 of them , this year i put my shsllots in a completely different part of my plot a good 30ft...
Thanks larkshall have got 3 roma in my little £20 00 polythene one but will give it a try
as usual dave you always come back with the answers not nessessaraly the ones i want to here? thanks
Hi lads as you know iv'e been away from the laptop for a while but back now and trying to get used to this new all singing all danceing foremat ....
Earthing up potatoes I was always told to wait untill they are about 9in tall and then earth them up makin a nice flat top,i have always had a...
Thanks lads thats opened up my options luv bell peppers / chillies but not to hot?
Hi jesterhud my back garden faces eneast but is slightly larger than your plot,nearer the house i lose the sun at 1pm but not untill 5or6pm at the...
Because i can't play golf or go beach fishing for the foreseeable future the wife has kindly ordered me a 6 ftx4ft glass greenhouse. I have...
Good luck with your op larksall hope everything oes well with a speedy recovery
thanks for the welcome had 3 prolapsed discs sorted in my neck so now ime metal micky. Had op on 15th of feb so long way to go yet but mates up...
Hi folks, have been awol for a while due to crashed computer and spinal op. Nice to be back and look forward to catching up with everyone.
HI Kristen im'e C/colville village and my water butts have been empty for 6 weeks apart from one overnight storm which did not produce a great...
From what i can gather Kristen it is all down to the dry hot and windy summer,i suppose it's my own fault for not watering enough . Flinty seems...
Great advice as usual lad's did not want another disaster this year, noticed 2 weeks ago my leeks had started to look poorly so consulted the...
Planted bedford fillibasket this year, the tops and leaves look wonderfully healthy. But the buttons are only the size of 5 pence pieces , will...
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