Hi.I saw a little Robin just outside my back door for the last week or so, I didn't take much notice until today when I realised that there was...
Devon is where my home is.I started looking into this a few weeks ago which was well over due, the more I read the more confused and worried I...
I am reluctant to do my own will and suspicious of so called cheep wills, in case they are in some way null and void come the day, but I don't...
Hi.This may be too far off topic for a gardening forum but I think many of us are of a similar age or generation and therefore some of you may...
I thought they were dead! I just wondered if you knew what had caused it, I have had the same thing happen with my laburnum tree.[ATTACH]
My palm tree has suddenly lost all of its leaves and fallen over too, would it be the same fungus that did this.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
HiThis was an absolutely beautiful tree I have had it for many years even though I don't know what it is, it flourished every year with gorgeous...
It seems that I have to kill them or rehome them.
When we moved in 2000 we landscaped the garden, the part in question was covered over and stone chippings were laid to a large area at the bottom...
Do moles feed above ground, I thought of a trap with food in to catch them rather than kill them but they would have to be encouraged to surface.
I could not use a trap because something would have to be done with the live animal, I don't want to kill them but they have to go, If I put down...
Too much dynamite!
I think the ground is badly compacted, but I don't want the moles, are there any ways to get rid of the moles digging up my garden.
Hi The season for gardening is just starting for me, so I have gone down the garden to make a start and I found a number of long narrow mounds of...
I took some new pictures of the hedge and tree this afternoon from my side of the boundary, in this first one you can see that the hedge is on the...
Yes, correct, it overhangs the service lane and then over the tenant's back garden that you see in the far end of the picture, it is actually...
I have been talking to the HA for a number of years on behalf of the tenant, but it is nothing to do with me really, HA keep saying that they will...
Payment is in jaffa cakes!
Following the leads of it not being my responsibility I did some searching into this, now I have a better idea of what I am looking for, I found...
For those who advocate that individuals should do other people's overhanging tree cutting would you like to come round and do the job? let me know...
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