Pete my Golfer e-mail address has not changed it is Jetplane which i had to set up because i could not log on with golfer some time ago because of...
Dont happen to know the name of them by any chance or i guess they would inform me if i explain what i want it for shall pop over the w/end
At the moment i have two different names because i had to register again some time ago when there was a few problems with the site.One is...
Marley Farley checked on the link you gave me but could not find out much regarding what one can treat Downey Mildew with does anyone know what...
Hi allThink i spelled that right have anyone heard or had this problem with onions the stems go a slight yellow with like a black Mildu on...
David thanks for info on the pruning.
HiI have blackcurrent bushes on my allotment which i had in March now i know one does not prune them untill around Oct/Nov time my question is...
HISorry if i caused any confusion six weeks ago i had a problem getting on the site after some work done by the administrator and i beleive...
[img]Checking if (golfer) is now okay
By the way its not Jetplane it is Golfer who posted photo of cucumber will have to change my name in photobucket.
Hi all My cucumbers seem to fine however i have one plant which is not so good.
I have been informed you should dig potatoes up after the flowers have died back however i guess maybe some others can confirm this or tell you...
Well it seems i was not the only one with a few problems i think i will just leave things as they are at the moment and stay as jet plane
Thanks David
i had to register again because i forgot my password i used to be (golfer) now i am jetplane it states now i am a junior member this is not...
HiIs it true one can put to much manure on the garden the reason i ask is on my new allotement which i shall post pictures shortly the other...
Is it best to plant these at least two feet high in some sort of containers my original name was golfer however i for got my password tried to...
Separate names with a comma.