hi mates-right got 15 cucumber plants on me dining room windowsill-been watering them every day. some are abt 10 in high some abt 6-7 in high....
so difference of opinion,are they ok to be covered with cling film put a small hole in top,as i have 10 sml pots in a tray, just wrapped it all...
hi sewn some seeds in small pots.what i did was water the soil and plugged the seeds in gently covered them,then ive covered with cling film,do i...
from seed grown indoors how long approx til they are transfered to the greenhouse. thanks.
what about watering do i water daily.
ive got some carmen f1 cucumber seeds they have instructions but dont say if they need covering. not got a propagator,it says grow them on the...
hi when can i start sowing my cabbages,carrots,leeks,beetroot, in the ground etc. im in lincs. or can i start them off in small pots in my house.
what are Tagetes.
cheers for the help much appreciated. a clipping im going.
thanks its the big one yes, green on top so if i cut it back it will just look like clean branches so the green foilage will grow back this...
hi i want to cut this shrub back will it grow as it is again but smaller if i do. dont know what its called....
hi all hope everyones ok. right buying a small propagator to do me seeds in,will be using carmen f1 cucumber seeds and variety of tom seeds. how...
hi just says black cherry tomato. on to another subject white butterfly ive never seen so many in my garden rescued a few cabbages, red ones not...
hi harvested these yesterday, took the 2 small cabbages up has the dreaded white butterfly was affecting them. the spuds i grew in 2 pots and...
nice to hear of you looking after your mum i was taught as a child look after your mum because you only have one mum. be careful who you hire...
mine are all female cucs so no need to pollinate but im baffled as to why they start off prickly there all f1 female which means nothing to me....
been bit tonight big time come up all lumps and bumps must be from the greenhouse swarms of little things flying, i got me sticky things up. so...
so how long do you let em grow, like you said trained mine along the roof, is this ok to do,do you get a better crop. just trying to learn.
do i cut the growing point off the cucumbers as there hitting the roof. been watering mine morning and night was worried abt one as the base of...
had 13 courgettes 2 small caulis bunch beef toms and cucumber,this growing lark is a bit of allright. got 5 cucumber plants in the greenhouse do...
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