Yippee The flowerless clemetis from last year has flowered can I please have an ID please [ATTACH]
Evening All This is a new weed to my garden this year, its rife. Can I have an ID please. Thanks for the help
Hi everyone Im I right are theses cyclamen? They dont seem to flowering.. Will they or should I replace them with new ones? Thanks in advance x
Hi everyone Ive was given a very healthy peace lily 2 weeks ago.. It is now constantly drooping. Ive made sure i haven't over watered or...
My tubs are big i hope, the largest i could get
Hi allI have some dwarf fruit trees growing in large pots, would I beable to grow anything else in pots other than flowers maybe strawberries?...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Good morning guysI purchased and planted these buddlieas in September last year, I understand buddlieas need...
Good evening everyone and happy new year!!I am wanting to move my rosemary from my back garden to my garden to create a herb garden. When would...
Thanks for advice.. I will take a risk when whethers better in planting in with my dwarffruit trees and Im also going to try plant some in a...
Thanks for your advice spruce.. I did have trellising up but ive had to removing it, a neighbour didn't want any trellising on new fence to Ive...
Big thanks for my birthday congratulations, but its not my birthday today guys, Ive checked my personal data on my account and my birthday is...
Ok thanks for that, i just wanted to add interest to the tree pots, the pots are 70 litre size /60cm diameter. Can I move strawberries with frost...
Hi guysWould I beable to successfully grow strawberries in the same large planters I have planted my dwarf fruit trees in? Big thanks in advance
I normally use miracle gro continuous release universal plant feed on everything, its that no recommended, a bad thing to do?
Hi everyone I found this creature in my garden during the summer, the kids screamed thinking we hada snake. ID needed please and whether its a...
Im guessing 3 month, I can't properly remember when I planted it
Good Morning guys I planted this jasmine this [ATTACH] year, it hasn't grown at all but its flowered what am I doing wrong?
Big thanks all.. I have an empty new border.. This plant may be the way forward
Big thanks again!
Good Morning fellow gardenersIve been given this plant as a gift.. Can I please have an id.. Whether its an indoor or outdoor plant please Big...
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