Please can you tell me when to buy pansies for the summer?
I thought they were hardy too,but open to suggestions.
Thank you sal73,that is very helpful.
I have bought 2 Helenium plants,is it too early to plant them outside,if so,when would be the best time please?
My soil has lost all it's goodness now,I need some ideas what to put on it please.
Thank you all for your help,and lovely picture of the white one with the butterflies,I will prune them at the weekend.I have a cutting ready to be...
Is it time to prune my Buddlia yet please?
Thank you barnaby and Spruce,not sure what variety I have,but has been beautiful, and I would hate to lose it. Layla.
Do I have to cut down my Helenium plant please?
Thank you very much for your help PeterS.
Does my Astrantia need much water,am not sure how to look after it?
No not near those places,am near Gatwick
Thank you for your help,but where do I get rotted manure from,I am 78,so not able to dig.
My soil is not too bad,it is clay,but is quite good condition,would like to improve it even more,what can I spread on the top please?
Hi exlabman,I have a Tamarix too,sorry can't give you any advice about yours, but a neighbour bought one for about a £2,and it is lovely,so you...
Hi Steve, Lleylandi are very quick growing conifers,but you will have to keep trimming them,as they can get out of control,I keep mine at about 6ft.
[hr]Thank you very much ARMANDII,,I shall have a look in the garden centre next Saturday.:thumb:
Hi ARMANDII,the soil is clay,but quite managable now,the fence faces south west, has plenty of sun,need to hide the fence which is about 4ft tall.
Any idea's for evergreen shrubs please, quite tall,to cover a fence?
What a difference a day makes,cold and cloudy today:cry3:
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