Thanks for that - yes sounds very possible. Oh well - I will try some more blood, fish and bone and see if that helps. Any other advice?
Can anyone tell me whether bark chippings can harm soil. I planted a large area of my garden about 3 years ago, covering the surface with bark...
Thank you all very much. The tomatoes and chillies are in the bit of the patch without too much ash. Will try some broccoli etc on the really...
Yes - it is all wood ash, but wondered if too much could be toxic.
We are just starting to reclaim an area of garden for a vegetable patch, part of which was used as a bonfire site for about 10 years. There is a...
I have some silver birches that I planted about two and a half years ago, two betula pendula and two jacqumontii. Very suddenly, one of the...
Hi - several of my conifers have suffered this year due to the near drought conditions we have had here in Kent. Although I have been watering I...
Hi - I planted a Photinia about 10 years ago that is now about 3.5 meters high - yes I let it go a bit. It is now very woody with just a green...
Daitheplant - thanks for the advice. This tree is a replacement for one that didn't thrive, although that was rootballed. I paid a bit extra...
PS to above. Re: ants - we also have a light sandy soil being very close to the coast, ants are a real pest - they are everywhere and in...
I spoke to the nursery who supplied my tree today. They suggest that at this time of year a tree can be put under stress by being removed from...
I am also in Kent and your experience with the Salix mirrors my problem with a new birch, which was also a replacement for one that was not...
Hi - I am bothering the forum once more with questions about trees. I had a large pot grown betula jacquemontii (about 5 meters) planted about...
We had a new small weeping willow that kept dying back. Just wasn't happy in the situation it was planted. Eventually we moved it to a very large...
."I think the advice about not staking applies to maidens and whips ( I know what I mean!!!)" :hehe:I have just cut about 4ft of the top of...
I have a very large garden and needed some screening at the end. I already have several eucalyptus, a variety of species dotted around, some I...
Last year I bought three eucalyptus about 8ft tall. They are planted in a very windy part of the garden and I staked them - one with a thin cane...
Attached is photo of one birch - don't know whether it will helpAnn
Thanks Quercus - that puts my mind at rest a bit. It is just my Betula Pendula that are affected, the Jacquemonti are fine. P.S. that should...
Hi - I have some young silver birch that have done very well this year - busy and plenty of new growth. However, all of a sudden the leaves are...
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