Thanks again, Claire. That is very helpful
Thanks Claire, Yes I'll will mix some other flowers perhaps, chrysanthemum and dahlias with some nice green. And also one I saw in a book called...
Hi Claire, thanks for your reply. Oh yes ,I didn't realize that the blooms depend on the number of years. The wedding will be on October 2010....
Hello all, I wonder if anyone can tell me which of the Species of Roses bloom at Autunm time and are rain resistant. I would like to plant these...
Thanks Dave and Clueless (you are not at all clueless) I might as well dig it in the soil and see what happens
Hello everyone, Just want to ask anyone about sprouting potatoes. I have left some new potatoes in the garage and forgotten all about them. When...
I am also looking for some plants suitable for planting this month. It seems Spring cabbage,some kinds of cauli flower,Broccli and also peas. Some...
:eek:Hi, Have you tried making your own slug traps. I use a shallow plastic containerabout 2 inches in depth with a cover or better still any...
Pete, Cajary, Glen and Kedi, Thanks so much for your useful information. Does leaf curl eventually kill the tree or affect the ripening of the...
Hello Freespirit,I have just joined in too. There are so many nice welcoming people here so you will enjoy the club. A warm WELCOME to you!...
Do peach and Nectarines bear fruits in the Southeast of England. I read from a book that these are mostly all self fertile but I wonder if the are...
Hello! Slinky; wiseoldowl; Dizi; David; Walnut; Helofadigger; Coub; Gaz, Cookie; Kathy3; Pam and Antheus. THANK YOU ALL for the...
Hello Beechleaf,Makka, Paul and Dave, Thanks for your advices and informations. I am surely learning some tips now. I think I am going to bin it...
Wow! Ginger, your garden can be in a show when it is all done. The terraces,slopes, path , nice bushes and the trees can make a beautiful...
Hi Beechleaf, thanks for your reply. Will it not grow back and will be safe to use for any plant.
IHello Everyone,I have just retired and what a wonderful way of filling up my time. I have been trying to do gardening before but just didn't...
Can we compost moss which were taken out of the lawn? My husband has been putting moss in the compost bin and has been there for years but don't...
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