Well my infestation seems to have gone now. Might have been the soap or lady birds or a combo of both.Thanks for all your help.
i'm really hoping it is ladybird lavee, I just hope I havn't hurt them with the soap spray, they dont appear to be eating leaves, just aphids....
I posted a pic of my pepper plants infested with something, anyway I have had chance to get some better pics, I have also found some catapiller...
thanks for the reply, looks like us for tea :) as for the white fly i have a bush in the front garden infested with aphids and there are loads of...
Hi, today I have noticed tiny white insects on my pepper plants does anyone know what they are and if they do any damage how to get rid of them??...
thanks for your replies, I think I will cut the tops off some later.
Our tomato's are doing really well all of them have between 3-6 trusses on them, my question is how to I stop them from growing up any more and...
Thanks for the replies, glad they are not dying, the big bags are full of soil we dug from furth down our garden and are to be filled into the veg...
Some of our out door tomato leaves have all curled up, is this normal or is there a problem?? Also on on tomato plant I cant tell if there is a...
Many thanks for the replies, will get feeding my cucs tonight.Lisa +Jon
Our cucumber plants have small cucumbers on, should we start feeding them?? also the toms + pepers have flowers but have not yet set should these...
We planted a few crowns, they have all come through and gone to fern. My question is we are in the process of leveling part of our garden and...
Thankyou for all your comments, one more question do we need to nip out the sideshoots on our peppers??Many Thanks
http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll89/jonohanson/Garden/Hi...above is the link to pictures of our fruit and veg that we have grown this...
Hi,There is a cat that lives over the road from us and likes to come and dig up the flowers in the front garden and replace them with his...
Hi,We have got a fig tree in our front garden and i was just wondering if you could give me some advice. The tree was there when we bought the...
Thanks for that the mystery is now solved, we will get it planted outside once the winds calm down abit.Regards
Hi, were new to the forum and have a question about cucumbers.We have 2 cucumber plants, one of which is too small to have flowers on yet, but...
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