My chickens like them in the garden not only do they eat them they also bath in the nest by scrapping the top off and then just lie down and let...
who,d of thought Areosmith could have such a profound effect on me just amazing
oh dear i just had to take one of our cats to the vets to be put to sleep what a horrible dessision to make but at the age of 14 and his kidneys...
have a look herehttp://www.omlet.co.uk/guide/guide.php?view=Ducks although i have to agree they wreck the place best ones i had were a pair of...
i know what you mean being a landscape gardener if i were to see my garden i would'nt have me me round to mine lol
billywitch's(cock chaffers) in the evening loads of them all round the conifers and if we leave the window open they decide to come in which is a...
my wood pile has been there for years it is litterally rotting away i rekon if i touched it it would fall apart btw this is interesting...
theres a wood pile in amongst this lot somewhere http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee3/mattfev20/wildlifegarden003.jpg
we've got a an old mature wood not far away and loads of old rotten oak logs down the garden which we never ever disturb it ideal for all kinds of...
As promised heres a pic of not one but two male stag beetles truly amazing both these found there way into the porch we took them out a quick pic...
the jaws are only small we get males as well in the same place i released this one fingers crossed i'll be able to get a pic of one of those soon...
i was just picking up some old plastic sheeting laying about and there she was pure beauty i relocated here to a more wild part of the garden...
just a small update the tail whipping stopped now and he's back to his own luvable self and once again tucking into his favorite treat a nice...
yep kind of oh yea and just as little foot note my son handles him fine i handle him fine so did my daughter till a few days ago when he got the...
mines kicking around somwhere it may even need charging by now i cant say as i really miss it lol
he's a green iguana called bluey we got him from a rescue centre he's a bit smaller than he's ment to be because he was'nt looked after propley my...
depends on how bothered you are about it looking i've found the yellowing dos'nt really affect it and the turf will pick up again .......eventually
i did once to a 3 day old x300r john deere ride on i hit what i took to be oan old tree stump it was'nt it was a concrete and iron manhole...
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