Bayleaf, what are they like, cant answer that politely, my snails drive me nuts. On the funny side, the homeing instinct, it is true or my son is...
Hi bayleaf, where would i get nematodes from and copper tape? hav'nt tried matting as my garden is a bit on the large side. I got some snail gel...
I have just got two cucumber plants, never grown them before, do i grow them like tomatoes, dont really know much about them, any tips ?
Hi Bayleaf, Just looked back on your post on coffee-on-snails,i get overrun with them in summer, as soon as my bedding plants go in the ground...
Never mind new lawns, my lawn is years old last year i used evergreen and it sent all of it black, i just waited and kept cutting it out,not doin...
Hi steven,i have my strawberry plants in pots,i keep them on a patio table so they're off the ground, but i still put netting over them to keep...
Thanks ladybird, been to the greenhouse and measured my peas, 4ins, i planted them in toilet rolls insides can i leave them in these untill they...
I have sweet peas in my greenhouse they are about 3ins tall, how do i nip them, and if i do how big will they grow. Last year i just left them and...
not very good in yorkshire snow flurrys very cold , i've kept my strawberrys in the greenhouse is that ok
Hi Dee, i have dahlias in my garden, some i take up in the autum, and some i cover with fleece just to see if they survive the winter, up to now...
Hey bayleaf, i found that last year the only plants that my lovely snails didn't nosh were bizzy lizzys im not sure if its because they dont like...
Hi Bayleaf, about this coffee thing i havn't tried this yet ( bout the only thing i havn't, you should see me late at night parading round the...
Hi sunshine, i have a large problem with snails in my garden so i dont want to cover the weeds to give the snails the pleasure of a good home, i...
How about an ant-eater
Hi scrumpy, i saw this on gardeners world a couple of weeks ago, to dig them up and store them you should also risk losing some,( but monty didn't...
Hi cazza, dont know much about ants as i dont have any, but i would much rather have your problem than mine, SNAILS during summer months i get...
I agree with mrs cloudy try to keep the honeysuckle, i have one in my garden and when its flowering it smells great on an evening
Thanks for tips on mushrooms, I got a kit and started, into first week so early days yet, hoping fot a result soon.
Can anyone tell me how to grow mushrooms in the greenhouse from scratch
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