Ok, you're not going to like this but here goes anyway......One way to teach your local cats to stay away (it won't work on your own pet...
Hi JWK,The soil cable is 100W. So if it was on all the time it would be like keeping a light on permanently. Not too bad cost-wise. However,...
Right, that's my greenhouse totally insulated with bubble wrap top to bottom. Bit of a fiddly job but well timed; it was only 5 degrees here last...
You lot are absolutely right. It's all about awareness of the situation, experience and not losing concentration.Not a tree stroy, but...
Hi pdragon70,Try any derilict building site, disused petrol station or any other neglected patch of hardstanding. There you will find budhlia...
Hi jonno,There's the "raising it up" issue that Paladin talks about, and there's also the issue of securing it firmly to the ground. In high...
Very true Ivory.However, shame to waste the organic material.... and paper and cardbaord are so good at restoring the balance when you have...
Looking better rach. What did you do?
If the area of lawn that you want to raise is not too big, it would be good to big patch of turf still attached on one side. That way it will...
Banana skins and other ripe fruit give off a chemical that encourages other fruit to ripen. I think it is ethylene or something.
That description also often caused by overwatering. Try to let them get a little dry on the top of the compost between waterings. (But not very...
HI anakat,Are those Agapanthus in the ground? Do you have to protect them in winter? Is that quite a sheltered position? etcDo tell!Mine are...
You've just described my garlic exactly.I pulled them out last weekend coz I needed the space and the rust was looking nasty. Now drying in the...
Hi T Digger,Scrunched-up, crinkly leaves that are still nice and green is a sure sign of over-watering (I've learned from my own mistakes).
Hi Abasconditus,Got a tip for you....Get an old funnel. Unscrew the nozzel from the end of your sprayer lance. Put the lance down through...
Hi The Nut,Get a pair of mole grips. Grip tight onto the bit inside being careful not to knacker it if it is plastic - and press closed (the...
My dad always used to put a squirt of washing up liquid in with the Round Up. This is the same thing as a "wetting agent".By breaking the...
This is all brillient news. Thanks for the info guys.I've sown half the seeds now and will keep the rest for next spring in case the young ones...
Definitely a good idea to have staging that is easily removable if like me you end up wanting to fill it full of plants to overwinter. You'll then...
Hi Kristen,I have an automatic system in my greenhouse. You don't need electricity. Mine is a battery powered jobby that goes on the tap and the...
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