As it's sunny today, I'm contemplating getting up a ladder to prune most of the new Rambling Rose stems before they become enormous like last year...
Little Wisteria Update. Thanks again to everyone who helped give advice well over a year ago. When I started to 'tame' the Wisteria we inherited....
Little shed / workshop update… Working on and off over the weekends, it has taken almost a year to get this built, but I'm finally on the home...
Thanks chaps. It's over engineered for a garden workshop, but will hopefully fair better than the previous shed. Looking forward to finishing so...
Thanks for asking @jowwy . I've had a busy couple of months (with work) which is why I've not updated in a while. Just managed to do enough...
As I need to keep the overall height down to 2.5m, I've gone with treated 4x3 timbers for the base frame, 4x2's for the joists. The floor will...
It's been a while since I started this thread. Progress has been slow as I've been busy with work and also had a lot of building research to do -...
Thanks @wiseowl :blue thumb:This is my first year dealing with a large rose plant. I thought I was ruthless with the winter prune, but clearly...
Our Rambling Rector looks to be flowering beautifully along the pergola now the Wisteria has finished. However, there are a number of new stems...
Had a delicious lunch in the garden when I spotted a pesky bindweed. No sooner had I pulled the bugger out when I spotted another, then another…...
We discovered we had this offending weed only a few weeks ago. So far I have just been pulling each vine out from ground level, but aware they...
@Loofah good to know. I won't necessarily rule out felt, but it will need to be top quality fitted with belt and braces.@clanless Thank you for...
@jowwy Funny you should say that. On my morning walks I always pass a very cool wooden designer eco house. On closer inspection this morning I...
I did a little more reading of UK shed height rules. I didn't realise that a max height of 2.5m only applied for a shed within 2m of the boundary....
We've inherited a slice of very pretty woodland at the back of our garden. We're only just learning what's there as new things seem to appear...
I was hoping the site would be clear, but it took all day to fully removed side panels and take everything to the tip. I still have the old base...
Update: Because the access is tight I couldn't remove the side panels complete, I've had to remove the cladding, back to the framework. It took so...
With the weather looking good for the next week, I've decided to take the plunge and dismantle the old rotten shed from the bottom of the garden....
Yes, you'll definitely need to manage the plant to fit your space. I was just out walking and passed a pretty cottage with Wisteria arched across...
Thinking a year or two ahead and from a strength point of view, the gothic arch looks as if it will buckle under the weight. The vine arch looks...
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