Have any members advice on stopping dog urine making the lawn go brown.Reading a book on practical uses for vinegar it states that putting a few...
I have had a Datura for two years now but something always eats the leaves.I always spray it with vine weavel compound but it doesn,t stop.I...
Quercus glad to hear from you .It is a hardy Hibiscus but I didnt know I had to keep it so sheltered in the winter .Ihave been and put some fleece...
Thanks David for advice on Hibiscus I will let you know how I get on with it after the winter. Just found out how to retrieve the answers.still...
Hi david .Thanks for asking if i had a picture of my sickly container rose which I had`nt got.but Istill would like to know what makes the buds go...
No David i dont have any pictures but would welcome advice.Thanks Carolla
carolla1 Iput a question on a few weeks ago about a patio rose but think I might have missed any help with it .It grew bushy but only one rose...
This year my patio rose had a lot of buds but only one came out .The rest were all rotten .Also the tall red and yellow daisies were wrinckled and...
I have a bare root Hibiscus just delivered and have set in a pot .I would like advice on how to keep it through the winter.Thank you.Carolla1
Having just received bare root hibiscus can I set in pots outside or do they have to go in the ground. Also do i have to keep them inside for the...
does the basket plant bidens flower another year if cut back
Ihave a hydrangea in a pot of new compost which hasnt flowered this year .Help please.also the Cannas have had lovely leaves but no flowers for...
Anew Lidl store has opened nearby.It has lots of cataloge tulips daffodils and many more all at 1/99.Thought I would pass a bargain on Good luck...
i would appreciate any advice about what soil to use for my hydrangea as it hasnt flowered this year.any suggestions welcomethanks carolla1
thankyou for your reply. I will give it a try.:)
my datura has holes in the leaves. It has been treated with vine weevil liquid but holes still appear, please help.Carolla1
i have a cluster pink rose growing over an archway. i have had to trim the top twice and think i cut the buds off how can i keep it tidy on top...
carolla 1 my canna lily is 3 years old but apart from when i first had it only leaves appear which look healthy. please help
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