Thanks Dendrobium, I'd better start working out now then! Thats great news too about being able to do a jungle look as I really love palms,...
Hi Everyone,Just bought a new house which is in the process of being built and will be ready at the end of June.It comes with a sun room but as...
I have had the same problem in my garden and having lived in the house for 3 years now feel that I've dug it over forever! In saying that I have...
Just about to order 300 bulbs (mix of ixeas,Homeria,Allium,Echinacea Purpea and Hemerocallis Autumn) but before I do would like to know 2 things -...
Thanks for reply - you're a real "Lady" as I was panicking no one was actually going to answer me as such - lol!I'll give it a go and tell you...
Can anyone tell me what fruit or veg is easy to grow in the greenhouse if any?I probably won't be using it this year for flowers etc so rather...
thanks everyone,I think I'll have to pop down today as the weather outside is still very chilly here so working inside the greenhouse seems a...
Hi,I inherited a greenhouse with my house but it has a couple of panes missing.Can anyone tell me where I can get these from or do I have to...
Wow what a difference a few days makes - this is my garden this morning at 9am - so much for spring being in the air! [img] [img]
To be fair I inherited the pokers from the previous owner but thanks for the encouragement! Do you know when is the earliest I can use my...
Here are some pics of my rear garden - it's pretty big as I'm still a beginner but I'm slowly getting there ![img]...
Thanks Nixon,I actually remembered the daises bit bit not the rest, not that this was difficult-lol How on earth do you all know and remember...
Hi Richard,I'm a 36 yr old mum of two who works full time so to me, the garden is my sanctuary.It helps me to relax, create colourful "decor"...
Dave,Can you tell me what the flowers are on your member picture.I used to love these when I was younger but don't seem to see then about anymore.
Can anyone give me suggestions for an alternative to a climbing rose? I have a wooden arbour entrance to my patio which already has a well...
I've just bought rattan cones for the front of the house but they come with inner plastic liners which I haven't used before.Do I need to put...
Thank you all for your suggestions.I'll take these names down and hit Dobbies garden centre on Friday to see if they have any of them. A couple of...
I like palms and would really love an exotic plant type garden but as I'm in the west of scotland, it's never gonna happen so I envy all you hot...
Hi all,Looking for some ideas on my border as it's got loads of spaces! I have a 25 ft long border which is about 3ft wide and it already had 2...
My neighbours don't seem to grow much of anything to be honest! It seems everyone in this area is quite happy with grass and shrubs. I bought all...
Separate names with a comma.