Hi Nikos, well done on your harvest. Im not sure if this comes too late now but it may be helpful for the future. From what I have read, watched...
Thank you :)
Hello, I have just gotten myself a second hand mini polytunnel (a guess from the pic it's about 2ft w x 2ft h x 5-6ft l) I'm planning on using it...
I've used/do use plastic fruit trays too, the only negative is the roots getting tangled up and then breaking them which is why I'd like to use...
I will see if I can push my broccoli and kale onto the neighbours!
Fantastic, thank you!
Ahh OK thank you both for your answers. I've started saving up my loo rolls for later in the season. Yeah I guess if they stay soggy long enough...
Hi all,On a bughet it's very easy to succumb to the cheap plug module trays at places like B&M but I do try and recycle, reuse and go eco...
Wild leek, very similar in taste to the wild garlic, but it is slightly sweeter. It has long thin leaves that are sightly 'v' shaped if cut...
Oh my goodness! I'd love to have a patch of land like this to grow my veggies on!
I'm most definitely not the person to take advice from as I'm a compete newbie, and I'm also a cheapskate and would be running for the hills at...
It's not a hybrid, it's just not named correctly. You have either a monstera Or a philodendron. I love my houseplants, monsteras especially and...
I have been suffering severely with seedling envy . I feel I'm doing something wrong even though I followed the instructions because I have baby 2...
Apologies, I think I posted this in the wrong section
I was naked under my pink fluffy dressing gown... Does that count!? Its a bit overlooked in my garden
Thank you ☺️
Hey, It's all very diddy still, but I'm going to have some excess broccoli and dwarf kale seedlings in a few weeks if anyone was interested?...
Ooh thank you for the tip, I didn't know about not letting the grass touch the stems. Will defo remember that.
Thank you! Yeah me too. I have like 11 tomato seedlings (although only very small leaves right now), but I'm hoping to put the dehydrator to good...
Hi! I have radish going all the time, globe and French breakfast which I just munch on like sweets! Spring onion would rarely get used I think, so...
Separate names with a comma.