Mine have done exactly the same - so I also hope they're not going to be a problemWe'll report back later eh?
Well my beans are cetainly frozen - but I'm sure that's not what you meant :hehe:
Hmmm. Think I already know if this is going to have worked. :dh:We have had a REALLY severe frosts round here - down to minus 7 - and my...
My onions have little green shoots too.Isn't it exciting :)
Hi Shiney,Why don't you change them in summer - is it becasue your plants are established and able to hold their own against the...
You could get around the tins not being the right size by using a tip I heard of...Use those tins with ring pulls, keep the lid, open the...
If your compost heaps like mine - it has loads of worms in it anyhow - so I already have thatBrian
:flag:Now that looks like hard work !!Where's my wallet :hehe:And thank's Lollipop - I will keep my eyes open - given I've got clay...
Thanks Redstar - I'm a bit of a cheapskate though - and I'm trying to work out how to do all this on the cheap :hehe: That's why I bought Alys...
And add to what David said Xan' - don't get the subsoil and topsoil mixed up !!
Who say's I'm negative?
205 - popular Peugeot
Yes - just where you see the little yellow rust signs
I grew moneymakers from seed - and I had some plants which looked very promising from a neighbour until the dreaded blight got 'em. :dh: And the...
Did you see how they dealt with the rust on gardeners world tonight? A smear of vaseline to stop the spores spreading - so if you see any that's...
It's all about your soil and what you put into it.Don't bother with moneymaker toms - there's no taste.Plan a raised bed where it gets sun...
So - I read the other day that you shouldn't create leaf mould in a pile more than a metre tall?!? Thoughts? Given I've gone for about 5 feet I...
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