There are silvery slug like trails on the branches and some of the leaves have been eaten. I did find a very tiny light brown mite on one of these...
I have a problem with my bush and haven't a clue what is wrong.[img][img][img]
Its growing already! :eek: I am treating it with 'Pond Balance' is there anything else that I can use. We were told to buy 'pond weed' and that...
I will try over the weekend.....fingers crossed.
Rotovate now and let the winter break it up then the hard work will start next spring.....Good luck [img]
My garden nearly had me beat, but coming onto this forum and reading all the topics I now have a garden to proud of and its all thanks to you...
They attack my fushia's...there is a powder and spray that I used and it did the trick, but I gave it someone and can't remember the name of it....
Sounds like you need to do something about the drainage. Good luck with it.
An old wives tale is to plant marigolds (plant species) in between veg rows the blackfly keep away. Washing up water is ok to use I use it on...
Yellow!!!!!!! Sounds lovely, any chance on some seeds blowing this way?????? :D
Bamboo. you can buy different hieghts and shades of green. I love it. good luck.
Thanks brazil I will give it a go.
Got it!!!!!!
Still trying, got to my profile this time.
Oh, um I tried, but not very good at this. Might need a bit of help. Got a piccie in my photobucket album and thats it I'm lost on how to get it...
I have just give it a go. Fingers crossed it works.
I have rust coloured dust on the underneath of the leaves. I have smoked them in the greenhouse, but its still on them. The leaves die and drop...
It might be meldew, I had that prob a few years back and was told to increase ventilation. I did and cut the lower leaves off, it worked. [img]
Thanks Will, yes they do seed if the lawn isn't cut every week. I think if I cut then rake and cut again I might just catch all of it. Can anyone...
Its all over the lawn, it is just like stalks and the lawnmower just seems to flatten it, its also very dead looking in colour. What is it called...
Separate names with a comma.