Hi just moved house and have a bottlebrush shrub, does anyone have experience of pruning and taking cuttings or seeds?MTA Colin
It is an adult Male Reed Bunting these birds are migrating in great numbers for returning to Scandinavia I ringed 50 on the beach the other day....
our local churchyard has many different varieties, a great identification challenge to my students
Black throated diver still on Oulton Broad near me, The Peregrine remains on Carlton Marshes.
Friendly Farmer
Paint shop pro by corel is not free but is a basic good programme £50 online. CJ.
There could be a book written on the characters I have met, usually half the plot holders are potterers who just come and weed and weed and weed...
Make log piles to attract wildlife, join the local freecycle group and offer them for other uses. or if they are hardwoods offer them for sale to...
What! Growmore is only a fiver round here for a 25kg sack. Some profiteering going on here then
Yea every plot has its share of Ming Mongs
No fasciation is caused by a virus usually fungul to put it human terms it is a proliferation of cells super annuated upon themselves like a...
The hemp is also a good food source for the birds and plants usually sprout from cheap bird seed. proper bird seed is heat treated to stop...
Galls in Perrenials tend to be in flower heads normally the flowers will not open and the heads are swollen or the buds are enlarged ie Big Bud in...
How about Buddlija globulosa "Orange Ball"
I startedmy first plot at 16 and had plots since then but another marriage collapsed caused another house move and I am now on a long waiting...
I hope we dont get a frost then. If we had a cold winter there may be a good summer like 1989.Frogs will re lay spawn if killed off by frosts
Nip the tops out. best to grow dwarf varieties if Blackfly is a problem. you can spray with fairy liqiud diluted
Menthas or Rosemary? how about a Bay tree?
The gardening Encyclopdea by percy thrower anything by Percy infact I also love old victorian gardening books.
Treat them like tomato plants the Hemp grown is different species all together from the drug. sounds like they were subjected to damping off
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