In this context a “ compost “ could be a multipurpose, a specialist ( tree and shrub , ericaceous, orchid , peat free etc ) - anything that has...
If you are growing them as ground cover then you can leave them be , or trim lightly to encourage bushyness. If you have them as trailers in...
If you cut back by a half you are encouraging it to bush out , all the little green buds below your cut will branch out and form side shoots . As...
It’s a good idea to water your lawn thoroughly once you have applied Gypsum as it works by being absorbed into the soil , not on the grass...
Garlic solution could well have an effect on the problem. The White Rot Fungus exists in the soil as sclerotia ( dormant bodies ) which are...
The Snowberry ( Symphoricarpos ) produces seed which has an extremely hard , tough , impermeable covering, are very hard to germinate and can lay...
Eastern Skunk Cabbage ( part 2 ) has contractile roots which contract after growing in to the soil. This pulls the stem of the plant deeper into...
Hi and welcome to Gardener Corner:sign0016: @eatenbyweasels . ( brilliant user name !! )
Eastern Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus Foetidus ) is a thermogenic plant ,meaning it can generate temperature of up to 35c , enabling it to melt its...
It’s taken a few listens , but this really gets under the skin . Really like it all now ! Thanks Nick
Many of the Genista species of hardy plants have flowers that open explosively when alighted on by insects. This action coats the insect with pollen .
Tengujo is the thinnest paper in the world. It is produced in Japan and is made from Kozo , stems of Mulberry trees.
Lithops ( living stones ) cannot lose water by transpiration, they rely on staying buried in cool soil below the surface.
Happy birthday to you FC !
Welcome indeed ! Brychan .
Welcome to GC ! :sign0016:
Ragwort ( Jacobaea Vulgaris ) is the exclusive food source for around 30 insect species including the Cinnabar moth.
The Mangelwurzel (a cultivated root vegetable) has a history in England of being used for sport ( Mangold hurling ) , for animal fodder and for...
Cashew nut shells yield a black oil , used as a preservative and water-proofing agent in varnishes and timber sealants.
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