Afternoon all I'll just finished making my raised bed and dig a 1ft deep trench in the front yard. I have my topsoil on order but was wandering...
David, ask my neighbours and they are saying it is a type of conifer, what type I couldnâ??t tell you. Claire, those Hydrangea petiolaris are...
Thank you :thmb: for that will have a betta read when I get these stumps and roats out. enjoy
Thanks for the link Kristen When I was looking into this a few months back some of the websites used the term French drainage for when you use a...
Seeing that I have already had to dig holes to remove my hedge stumps and had to rack away about 18 bags of the type of stones people use on...
Ok, was just thinking I need to get some more pots, I have four already. I have gone for Arran victory (10 off) and Desiree again 10 off. Only...
Spot on thank you, will let you know how I get on. Enjoy
Thanks Clueless & Claire Have had a good look at the three Clueless suggested and quite like the look of the Clematis but could anyone tell me...
Hello all Thanks for the advice. Spent a good party yesterday cutting the hedge down and all day today trying to dig out the stumps and still...
Morn all over the weekend I went to the garden centure and got some seed potatoes, some large 50cm Patio tubs and a good few bags of organic...
Evening all As a few of you may know already I have just started gutting my garden. Over the last few month since I moved in I have noticed...
Hello All I have just started gutting my back yard and I am removing the hedge that runs along the back fence because I personly dont like them....
Good Day everyone I'm new to gardening (first garden) and have just started gutting the small back yard. I live just north of Aberdeen and was...
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