So, in the theme of the only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing... I got doing some of the thing.1. I bought some slab/stepping...
Turns out the deck was easy to ... Dismiss...Finally go round to doing some trail holes for the subframe posts.First trial hole. Tree roots....
The plan... (Chairs not to scale :))
So, interestingly, the in-laws mentioned the same thing about the shade. - For me, being in the shade is a positive. I have some chairs that face...
Thank you :-)So I've dug all the stone out (I've now got a mound of stone behind the child's playhouse)Annoying there are more roots really...
I've been inspired by this..(I heard it on a podcast) 'Reading about how to do the thing isn't doing the thing. Reading about how other people did...
Area f has the dog wood, and at the moment a really pretty in bloom tree. I'm going to remove and place back the stone to hide all the plastic...
Area e. It does get plenty of sun in the evening!! The sun is direct on that area. Just no idea what to do. Do I increase the size of the...
Thank you for the reply. The broom (odd name for the plant ) is literally the only plant my wife has bought and has grown plenty and looks great....
Lawn cut :-) Seeing the amount of cat poop in the flower areas on the left and right of the garden is depressing. I really need to get some plants...
Thank you :-)The lawn, on my to do list for this week :-) And I'll prune back the dogwood. Yes, it's proper established!
OK - So - nothing has happened in the garden of note since May 2023. Work/life, etc. I've planted plenty of bulbs. Some have flowered; most...
Talking about life getting in the way! I recently started a new job, and any potential spare time has somehow disappeared. So grand plans for the...
Hi All :-) I want to put up some hanging baskets near the front door - It's north facing. A quick Google suggest plants like, and following...
Few updates 1. Bought a bench - SUPER COMFY! - Need to fix the fence above [img]2. I removed the massive bush near the bird feeder - Re using...
Maybe we purposely planted it then - Winner ;-)
So - come back from two weeks holiday The garden = WILD!!!! Spent ages cutting the grassPlus side , loads of flowers coming through Down side ,...
So - Just as way of an update - Not much as happened. Work. MS Teams Call and repeat! :-(I found some disused brick in the garden, so I have...
Hey :-) Back to it......having a 'no idea what I am doing' / even what I want my garden to look like.... Ideas are most welcome, as I feel I have...
So - Tomorrow, I’ll nip to the local garden centre in Droitwich! The plan is to plant something on the boarders, and near the tree.1. Today I,...
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