Weeded,planted,deadheaded,drank coffee
Planting succulents in the gaps of a stepping stone path, more weeding, deadheading and shoehorning plants into gaps
Thank you both
Can you suggest a patio clematis suitable for a pot 2ft deep and 1ft across please?
OH no! We're listening to the cricket in the warm sunshine. Having a break
More watering,weeding and deadheading today
Still had no rain here so watering is a twice daily occurrence. Deadheading too. No time to get on with the bed revamp....
You seem to be doing exactly as I would do
I bought genuine Crocs when they first came out. I hated them and they made my feet sweat and blister. Nowadays I can't wear any shoes without...
Walked around Felbrigg walled garden, bought some plants.When I got home I watered the pots. 28c here today
Picked the first sweet peas. The birds have eaten the ripe strawberries
Just spent an hour with the hose, soaking myself as well as the beds
Off out to pull up more nettles which appeared after the recent rain. Final planting of perennials I took as cuttings last Autumn. Water pots and...
Hot and sunny here but I've already watered the stuff in the shade. Planted some perennials and potted up some trailing begonias.
I've had difficulty sourcing decent sized bush fuchsias but fortunately my cuttings are coming on space and should be a good size by the autumn
Came indoors as the wind was so chilly
Bright but chilly
I agree with Monty Don. It's not a garden, it's a landscape.
Spent several hours weeding, cutting back, moving and watering. I ache all over and have cuts, bruises and a thorn in my finger
Nothing today, but a full on day of extreme weeding is on the cards for tomorrow
Separate names with a comma.