I've never had to deal with ground elder so can't speak from experience. My go-to for weeds is 360 Glyphosate Weedkiller, from ebay.(It lasts for...
I have just about the only "proper" garden where I live, and was cleaning up to 4 poop bags a day, delivered by the local mogs. What I found, that...
From my experience, NO! Useless.
@infradig I know most mosses require moist shady conditions, which wouldn't be optimal for an indoor bonsai, grown on a SW facing window sill. I...
My darling daughter decided that I wanted a bonsai, so on my birthday, guess what I got. OK. So I now had something new to learn about. When it...
Thanks guys. I discovered, while trying to ID this wee beastie, that there are approx 35,000 species of Longhorn beetles globally, and represent...
I'm not too concerned about the threat level, as the wood came from Latvia, or thereabouts. Trying to log on to iSpot, but, as is often the case,...
When I was splitting some oak, yesterday, for the fire, I found a cavity. In it was an intact, but very dead Longhorn beetle. Anyone have any...
What you have is a keiki, Hawaiian for 'baby'. You can just remove it from the old flower spike and pot it up.
Whoops! I hope they weren't rotted, @On the Levels .:rolleyespink::rolleyespink: Now that more blooms have opened, even with my poor sense of...
I haven't noticed any scent, but only 1 open so far. I am 80, and have noticed that my sense of smell has definately deteriorated over the years....
Time for an update. During the summer, it grew LOTS of roots. It also put up 5 new canes. It must like me, because today it opened the first...
If they were fully developed, I would, but the buds are only just starting to peek out of the top, but still growning, very slowly. After the...
Thanks, pete That is what I suspected, but I am the eternal optimist. The buds are still within the leaf sheaths, and I have spoken to them, very...
Hi all I have several Hedychium planted out, and this year, my H. coronarium started to show buds, for the first time, but too late in the year to...
Well I can say, with some confidence, that E. virgineus is what it is. Checking my records, I found that Euryops tysonii (Tyson's Euryops) is also...
Thanks @Silver surfer That certainly looks like the correct genus. Now to try and pin down which of the 100+ species it is, though E. virgineus is...
Definately NOT birds foot treffoil (Lotus corniculatus). Thanks for the input though.
Spotted today in Hayle, west Cornwall. It sort of reminds me of a plant I saw in Australia, but that's as far as I can go. Plant is approx 3'...
@CarolineL What you found is, I believe, one of the Cladonia sp. of Reindeer moss/lichen. Down here in Kernow, I've often come across it on the...
Separate names with a comma.