Hi I planted radar and senshyu onions late autumn last year they all sprouted but after the snow a week or so ago they have nearly all died back...
Hi Got given a agapantus plant its flowers a pale bluey purple color just the typical colour you expect if that makes sense. The person that gave...
Hi I just dug over my veg patch and planted my onion sets in a plot in corner of garden , I am worried now that my hens will dig them up/eat them...
Hi see attached image , I have this coming up in parts of lawn this month, not in great amounts just hear and there, what type of fungis is...
Hi Cousin of mine has a escalonia hedge planted afew years ago every autumn some leaves turn yellow and some have spots , I have previously...
I would say English oak but look around for the other oaks near by it's got to be same as them , you can then compare leaf shape and leaf stalk length
I asked that to , he said its a l shaped field the narrower strip is in front of house where field is good and flat also wants tree where it can...
Yeah it's his field
Yeah I put him off planting it on hedge border that I think 10m from house
Hi My niegbour has decided to plant a irish oak in feild beside him instead of his garden , he can plant it 15 meters away from house is this...
Hi My sister in law has planted a cherry blossom nearly 2 years ago and wants to move it, it's just over 6ft high and hasn't spread our grown that...
I had a Bay tree lolli pop form in pot for a few years I decided to plant it in the ground and grow as a bush spring this year its started to put...
Hi I have two horsechestnut trees both 7ft tall and right beside each other and when I say there close there trunk touch all but the growing tip...
What about a birch would that be OK?
We live in the countryside neighbours fence line is 10 meters from his house he wants to plant a red oak our a irish oak , on other side of fence...
Hi I sowed courgettes in pots they sprouted first adult leaf on each plant was yellow, I planted them out and have feed them with both liquid...
I have a plum tree that had the same ssue ,I feed it with seaweed now and also i improved the drainage of the soil around it as the soil was a bit...
They took away the surface stones and replaced them with that fine stone to level it then tarmaced it would it have came in on the stones do you...
Hi I just got back of house tarmaced a month our so ago and as below pictures show where a weed had pushed through just 1, I poured a cap full of...
Yeah just in small pots to start them off early before planting out :)
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