Lots of Small Whites on the Nasturtiums this week.. Lucky enough to get this Male being told "not interested", by the female raising her abdomen...
I have lots of grasshoppers in my neighbours front garden and my lavender... Can hear them rubbing away most evenings as the sun is getting lower
Ladybirds everywhere this year...❤️ Including Seven Spotted's..[ATTACH]
Nasturtium and Small White Butterflies[ATTACH]
It's a carpet Beetle on one of my sunflower leaves... [ATTACH]
A bit of weeding and deadheading... Excitedly waiting for my first Sunflower of the year.......[ATTACH]
Into The Depths of Nasturtium....[ATTACH]
It was a slow start this year and things stalled for some reason, but it wasn't long before the Knautia burst into life and foxgloves...
I love foxgloves too.... Along with that unmistakable buzzing they invite...
Yes, I must admit I was picking the odd leaf and flower as I wandered round...... Tastes like rocket....❤️
Since adding my new Butterfly puddler, come birdbath, come fountain/water feature, I have been visited in the mornings by a female blackbird (had...
Thankyou...x Not as much success as last year... Beginners luck... Still some good results.... First Nasturtium flower opened today.....
I am..... This year I am trying 3 types of sunflower.... Firecracker 2-3ft multihead Solar flash 3-4ft single head Chocolate 5ft single head Also...
3 years ago, I finally got a garden... An east facing 12 x 23 ft bit of gass and some gravel.. [ATTACH] Not exactly Wrest park..... So... the next...
Last year I had a few 7 spotteds, as well as a few harlequins... [ATTACH]
PRETTY IN PINK Early Knautia Macedonica [ATTACH]
Thanks everyone...xI'll give then the rest of the year, just to see, you never know, (eternal optimist) and start fresh next season.. xx
Hi all.... As a complete newbie, I wanted to try growing Strawberries I took seeds from shop bought fruit (unknown verity), and grew last year in...
Hi everyone. I'm Sarah... Only ever had a garden for the last 3 years, and I AM HOOKED !!! From germination to harvesting seeds. Love attracting...
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