Indeed, my friends are bored crapless by it all! ;)
Thanks. I'm happy with it, don't think I'll be changing in a while. But I am always thinking "what can I add, and where..."
So, a well overdue update: Things coming along nicely, the tomatoes are great, the carrots plentiful, the aubergines on the small side (so far)...
Hi again, been a bit of a while since I was last here, but we've been busy! made the changes I discussd previously - put a brick border all the...
...probably overgrown and messy! ;) The kids are small but the eldest (coming up three) is already very interested. He walks alongside me with...
Wow, that's a damn good return over a few months, maybe I will be able to find a little corner for some old compost if it works that well. Cheers.
Sadly, space and (current) design dictate that that's not possible.
Ah ha, So maybe not perfect... I'll be adding grass cuttings every weekend or so over summer...
Thanks guys, very helpful. Not really any accessible farms and the like near me so I guess I'll buy some. Certainly easier... "I suggest you...
Thanks Kristen, I've sent you off a PM. Will be interesting to see what you've done with the sheet and see how the plans and dates compare to what...
Not so much of a problem for the veg garden, but the lawn, hmm.... good point. Perhaps it's worth a try anyway. At best it will help, at worst the...
Summers here a pretty long, fairly hot and mostly dry so regular watering will be a must. I considered putting a simple drip hose thing in but the...
In the not quite one year of working on my garden I have seen four earthworms in total, three of which were in the last two months and two of...
And I mean first ever! Never grown any veg before (never really grown anythin much before this year tbh...) but it's all fun and exciting. I've...
Thanks lollipop. To be honest I think it looks a little 'open' especially with the houses at the bottom having such small gardens and therefore...
So I've posted a few pics of what we started with, what we have and what I'd like to do next, here...
For the front garden I created some kind of grass/stone/plant design which I think is pretty nice except for the dodgy grass again. Next for me...
Okay, perhaps 'estate' is a little grand, well a lot grand for what we have but there's nothing like a positive (some might say deluded) attitude,...
...when they're growing on the inside! is it 1st april today? No, didn't think so, be careful out there!
Thanks all, seems like a nice place to be!
Separate names with a comma.