Try putting your bananas with your onions @Ladybird4. That's how I get avocadoes to ripen.It is cold here and very grey and has been wet with...
Their ties are surely more connected with their family homes so that should be where they vote. At least they're voting tho. If the apathetic...
I've read plenty of fiction where unscrupulous moneymen drive down the price of a competitor's shares to ruin them or buy them out or just take...
Canada can sell its goods to other countries - eg UK, EU, South America - as there's always a market for iron and aluminium. trump and co are...
@Philippa - we can call or email our local council to tell them about potholes and they're filled within days. Every 12 to 15 months or so a...
Some bright spark set fire to a Tesla showroom in Toulouse @shiney - that will hurt new sales but also the insurance company concerned. Handy for...
Of course not @pete but given that a flat earther was made chief of education in Texas you have to concede there is a huge gap in knowledge and...
It is bright and sunny here and set to be warm again this pm but I have jobs indoors I need to do and 2 hours of dance class this evening so I'm...
@pete We already know that the USA education system leaves much to be desired and far too many people thus grow up ill informed and unable to...
@Jiffy the rules don't apply to farm machinery and activity but ours do tend to be respectful of neighbours.
Can't do that here @ViewAhead. No noisy outdoor machinery between 8pm and 8am any day and not between midday and 2pm either. Saturdays it's...
Me too @Ergates and @Liriodendron tho it's more a case of never having been photogenic. Bad enough in a mirror but worse on camera.I got very...
Damp here with wetter bits and drier bits. Not sure it's enough to excite the shallots and garlic planted so I may have to water them as next...
No. My firend in Belgium had it in a shaded, woodland spot with damp soil. Even the sahdiest spot of our veg plot is too dry so I planted mine...
Jealous @Philippa. I had some wild garlic given by a Belgian friend and was, finally, getting it established here only to find the undergardener...
@shiney and @NigelJ I love nectaroscordum. It's beautiful in flower and as seedheads and behaved well in my Belgian garden. Haven't managed it...
G'day everyone. Our day started with rain, despite the dry forecast so I stayed in bed reading while OH went off to play golf. More rain later...
CH fixed. We have a new "gicleur" which controls the flow of fuel and he's reduced the airflow and cleaned out some crud - all this because OH...
Happy birthday @Liriodendron. I planted a rosa rugosa hedge along the boundary between us and an arable field at th eveggie end of our Belgian...
@Ergates OH had a thing about Greek sculptures and pestered me for years to have a half naked Aphrodite. Totally not suited to an informal...
Separate names with a comma.