I'm refreshing a border and having removed some large plants it has exposed the side of my Amelanchier tree which has developed a few more stems...
I think you're right, it must be a Fatsia japonica, thanks.
Im replanting one of my borders and I can't decide whether to keep or get rid of a caster oil plant (at least I thinks that's its name?).It's an...
Thanks for the replies, I think I'll leave the plants as they are and let them finish flowering for the bees, before cutting them down for the...
Purely for the bees. I've chopped two of the plants down already to make confery liquid. Maybe I'll do the same with the rest as there should...
Thanks, they grew upright last year, but have flopped this year, seems it's just something they do then?
Anyone experienced their comfrey plants flopping over?Some of my Bocking 14 comfrey plants have decided to flop over, they remain in flower but...
After 2 months sat in a glass jar of water, one of my budleja globosa cuttings has finally begun to root
I think it gets its name 'Jack in the hedge' as it's a plant that just appears in hedges everywhere, as in 'Jack of all trades' etc, Jack being...
I've had two buddleia globosa cuttings in a jar of water for about a month, but with no roots developing. The cuttings still have green leaves and...
You might be surprised at how much water seeps out of a soaker hose in 24hrs. When I come home from a holiday my patio can be flooded and plant...
Not really from the dog, I had a new patio laid late last year and they repaired a part of the lawn that got damaged during the process by digging...
I think too much time has passed for them to do anything about it now. I could give them another go and buy a different type perhaps.
Thanks, and a good tip regarding germinating in a bag of soil.
I need to sow some grass seed on some bare patches of lawn, the cheap seed I bought previously was from Wilkos which grew horribly fast, quicker...
Ordered some Pulmonaria 'Silver Bouquet' plants from Proctors nursery near Leek (Staffordshire) and decided to ride my motorbike the 2hr round...
Anyone know if buddleia cuttings root in water? if they do I'd like to try it with my buddleia globosa.
Was working in my garden today, but I wasn't gardening, instead I had to sort and store some firewood from a beech tree that had just been felled...
Lovely garden. It's amazing how much visual impact a nicely edged lawn has on a garden.
Spent this morning re-edging the grass path that runs alongside my privet hedge..[ATTACH]And did some general weeding, mulching and...
Separate names with a comma.