I've loved this rose of yours since I first saw it on that other forum.
My Glen Coe has just started sending up its first shoot since I snipped it! I'm relieved I didn't kill it after all. Hoping it'll send a few more...
Exciting day in my garden, as the peas went in the ground. I surrounded them with Strulch, so hopefully at least a few will survive the snails...
I've got a couple of tiny buds on my Palais Biron. Completely covered in aphids. I did wipe them off, but they're very determined. Hopefully they...
I'm very keen to hear how this works out for you. Mine still hasn't shown signs of life since I cut it :sad: Hoping it's just taking a little...
Careful not to get attacked. They can get very, very vicious when cornered.
Planted up my Norfolk Herbs haul, hoping these ones will survive. I don't have a GREAT track records with herbs... (r.i.p. countless thymes,...
Oh that's a relief, thank you!
Ah, yeah, that doesn't sound like my garden is the best place for it. Maybe I'll brave it if I ever move to a slightly sunnier plot a little...
Hm. Most of my roses in pots seem to have a few crispy-edged leaves. As far as I can google, I maaay have enthusiastically overfed them. Didn't...
I lust for this rose, but is it even worth getting for a wet NW garden with limited sun? Is it bad for blackspot? (I won't spray) Bad for repeat?...
I got the first lot of plants from Puddle Plants delivered and planted up in the pond! I ended up with:Brooklime Hornwort Flowering rush White...
That's a comfort! I snipped them, and have been anxiously waiting for new shoots to appear from underground. Nothing yet!
Sowed peas and cosmos, ran out of windowsill space. Then cajoled the other half to help me clear out and clean the shed we've pretended didn't...
I repotted some of my strawberries yesterday, and the roots were FULL of vine Weevil grubs. I need to give all my pots a good soaking with...
Exciting, @wiseowl !
Thank you @wiseowl. I'll keep a closer eye on it.
Ooh, good to know! When/how will I know if it's a sucker? (Sorry, I'm still very much a newbie with roses. Gardening in general, really)
Got a Sarah Raven delivery of 3 x Nepeta Kit Kat, so I got them into slightly bigger pots. Will have to go in the ground once I get a bed cleared...
I managed to snag a Lady Emma Hamilton! I hope. It was on ebay, so... We'll see what comes up. She wasn't a happy lady after shipping, but I'm...
Separate names with a comma.