Well I'll be away for 3 weeks so that might be too long to leave them... I may get a colleague to give them a water once a week. They've not...
My 3 Apache Chilli plants have done well, producing maybe 25-30 fruits per plant... trouble is that they don't seem to be ripening. The very...
Shirley and Ailsa Craig, though as mentioned this weather hasn't helped them and I've only had half a dozen ripe Shirley so far. All the rest are...
Thanks everyone, seems I need to water a bit more consistently by the sounds of it. I'll continue to use the flesh, sounds like the poor...
My first truss to ripen this week had 3 fruits (Shirley) that split their skins. I hear this is maybe because of inconsistent watering, is that...
My Charlotte (lifted too early) tasted beautiful, (wish I'd left them in longer to get a better crop).... I now just have 3 Pentland Javelin...
Not sure of the question really, are you asking if it's too early for your tomatoes to be flowering? It depends on when you planted them but I...
Blimey, you've been busy! I only have a few, 3 Red Apache, 2 Orange Habanero and Scotch Bonnet, and a few sweet bell pepper plants, and 3 tomato...
You can Kristen yes, but it's the flavour of the leaves Andrew's after, very different to ground coriander or whole seeds. The seeds are great in...
Cheers JWK, (I think beth is more interested in promoting her florist service?). I've already got some courgettes going along, I think I'll give...
My Pentland Javelin are flowering beautifully at 9 weeks, but once bitten twice shy (see thread entitled "A salutary lesson"). I imagine you have...
So.... for most of us the toms are growing, the chillies, the peppers, the herbs, the potatoes, but..... I still have room for a few more pots or...
Well Gren, I have a good few sweet peppers and hot chillies, all of which are in flower except for my Habanero and Scotch Bonnet (they only have...
That's a good tip, thank you. And thanks to everyone for their commiserations... let's hope it saves someone else from having such a poor...
I am here to confess.... I screwed my first earlies up big time. I hope I can save some other new gardener from making the same mistakes. I...
No it doesn't make them lates, they're still early varieties. If you leave them I think they'll just get a bit bigger, you shouldn't have any...
I use Gardena secateurs, they're the easiest ones I've ever used.
Excellent explaination clueless, that sums it up perfectly. I have no moss on my lawn and it drains well so it's not something that I need to do...
I agree that coriander doesn't do well with some other herbs.... if you have thyme or rosemary in the same trough, then they are like chalk and...
Wales... now there's lovely for you! Welcome to the forum from a fellow newbie.
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