Heh. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one! We'll have outdoor orchids in January next!
I planted our various bulbs 2-3 weeks ago, dotted around the garden, some in pots, some in the ground. On Sunday, I noticed that a couple of the...
Great, thanks guys. Am pleased to know that I'm not losing it!
Hi Liz. This is my first year of owning a grapevine so I'm afraid I'm yet to find out how it will do over winter. I think it can depend on the...
Hi guys, I have a marechal grapevine growing from a big post creeping over my arbour. It was doing really well. Lately, the lower leaves have...
Thanks guys, I will just leave it alone for now then. I just wasn't sure if the mould would kill it completely if I left it. I have some dahlias...
Hey all. Can anyone advise me on what to do with my lovely chocolate cosmos. It seems to have a white mould or mildew on it. I was going to be...
Hi all, my lovely neighbour has just given me a pot of this. It's so beautiful! I've googled it and it seems that it may not like the frost too...
Sorry! Indeed I mean the Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
Hi all! On Saturday we bought a gorgeous tree pansy. Beautiful vibrant purple-red leaves. We planted it between some green bamboo that we have...
Yes that's definitely it. Shall have to remember that next time then. I lost lots of peas :-( Thanks guys!
Could I also ask if it's a good idea to remove some of the leaves to promote cucumber growth?
Hi all. I've just had to pull my peas out as they were overcome with little grubs. I noticed them starting to die off recently and now I've...
Yes I adore that escallonia, deb yours looks wonderful! AND it looks like you have it next to some bamboo which is exactly what we're intending...
I like the look of the tinus. I think people still think that Chingford is Essex. It's E4, classed as east London. Kind of on the border I guess!
Thanks guys, just going to google your suggestions! :thumb:
hi all! I have a question for you. We're about to dig up our crazy growing bamboo and hopefully save some of it to go into trench pots against...
Kinky hoses drive me insane! ;-o
My guinea pigs ADORE carrot leaves. They're currently loving my brussel sprout leaves too! Out of interest Kirsten, why would globe artichokes...
Help! I accidentally snapped one of my cucumber plants about two thirds of the way up. There are cucs on the upper half that has snapped. It's...
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