awesomely fast reply :) It even smells like the real thing. Just a bit nervous to *eat* something that I'm not 100% sure about. Kind of a good...
It was left growing in a pot by the people before me. Does it look like a bay? I think it is... Thanks Rob
ha! I feel about the same. Hate throwing away something that might benefit me in some small way later on. After all, those darn weeds grew fat on...
And would there then be any point in composting them? :hehe:
I might just try something similar. I also heard that if you leave the roots of the nasties to dry out for a while, then you can safely compost...
Hey - Horsham's not all that far from here. We have some good friends in that neck of the woods :)
Hi all Trying to figure out what the appropriate thing is to do with the myriad weeds I dig up. My current approach is to throw all the green...
I know what you mean. Thinking of installing some sort of drip irrigation, but that seems like quite an undertaking!
how much longer can this glorious sunshine last? Certainly lapping it up, even if it means I do have to water the pots twice a day!
Ok - apologies upfront for the ridiculous pun! I suppose all this lovely weather must be going to my head. I have two beds in front of my house...
Some cultivars seem to handle it better than others, though. I have a "Bloodgood" which is actually not looking too bad, considering. The green...
speaking of lavender, how easy is it to grow from seed?
Ah man - I really shouldn't have started looking into this! Now I'm inspired to go and buy a whole new bunch of stuff and add it to the hedge....
Iron chelates? Can't hurt... I've also heard anecdotal evidence of people watering them with a very dilute solution of vineger.... can't say I've...
ah cool - a hedge discussion! Let's see now. I planted the hedge just around 18 months ago. I'll need to put some pics up to give you a proper...
Other problem with the euphorbia is that it's bi-ennial... I'm afraid I'm far too lazy to intentionally plant anything that's going to die after...
I have 3 of them coming up in a pot on my patio... so they could end up anywhere or nowhere :)
Well, there's more than enough of it in the surrounding area for me to get my blackberry fix, for free, off my neighbours :) Thanks again for...
Thanks Pete - you have number 3 spot on. So I see it's poisonous and basically an invasive weed. Looks like it's getting the old heave-ho. Pity -...
ok, ok... glad to hear that my reservations are indeed well-founded :) I shall refrain from sullying my beautiful hedge, although I am looking...
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