Hi guys its been a very long time since I posted here. Went to South Africa for 2 months and have been really busy. Anyway Iwhile I was away the...
Yeah, it has a great scent, thanks for your help, there is a rose fair going on at a local Garden Centre today and tomorrow, will buy it then.
I think its Ena Harkness, thanks! :)
I looked and it all looks like one plant, but your possibly right, there can be no other explanation.Thanks.
Hi guys, I have this plant in a basket, it has a nice sweet scent, anyone know what it is and how do I take seed for next year???[img]This...
Well here a updated pic, lost alot of leaves but put on new growth, alot near the bottom of the steam. Still have patchy leaves but no spider...
Morning, well i have left the Brug outside and it still has the mites but fewer. I have almost given up but it has started to recover :)
Your B&D's look lovely, I love the colour of Blackcurrent Swirl I just cant beleive how much damage the mites are doing. oh well.
Watering fine, its the red mites! they are everywhere.
Well I only have 4 pf the top leafes left and 2 of the flower buds which I did have had dried up! :(
Just flound this!Spray Recipe #1 Blend together the following ½ cup of starch or flour ½ cup milk 1 gallon waterWhen sprayed over the...
Used a cosston bud soaked in Pravado to take the webs of and a few eggs.What do the mites do apart make the leafs drop, do they do anything to...
Hi, yeah we are having great weather, been 25C avg.Mine gets full sun, I can now see the tiny spiders on the plant, loads of them!
I only brought it in today, it was getting to bad out and growing slower then when it was inside so I brought it back, windows are allways opened...
LOL, I would wip if any leaves remained!!! They are all falling so fast! I supose all this hot and humid weather is helping the red mites.[img]
OK Homebase, B&Q never had any Wisterias in stock.I got a email today from Crocus offering 25% off so I went ahead and purchased:1 x Wisteria...
Oh S**t, if i wiped it with a damp cloth soaked in pravado or even soapy water, would that remove the eggs or are they in the leafs???
Pete would Provado kill it/ soapy water or a wet paper towal wash lol?
It looks like a bloody courgette! Did the soap work?
Heres a free bumpWhy have you gone for Sinensisand not floribunda?
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