Will it be OK to prune a lavender bush hard back to old wood now or will it make it vulnerable to early frosts - I live in SE London. If not...
You haven't told us where these bargains are to be had - B&Q, big nurseries,which town. If in London I'll hotfoot it there tomorrow.
I need advice on how to take cuttings of a hydrangea - is it hard wood (old) or new?
I have an angelica which has produced florets and is a massive plant. I understand parts of the plant are edible. Apart from candied angelica,...
I have the same plant in my garden and I don't think it smells anything like mint - it has a rather musty smell. I agree it may be feverfew and is...
Thanks LoL for your advice - will comply and report next year.
I bought a stephanotis in a pot (3" dia) from a garden centre. I keep it watered but not overwet. However, it is not looking too happy, although...
Can someone tell me how to prune/tame a lavender bush which is in full flower but flopping all over. Thanks for advice.
Many thanks glenw for your advice. Am I right in thinking that this year's (new) seedlings will only flower 2 years hence?
Thanks Waco and Blackthorn for your replies but if I pull up the plants, will they come up next year in the same place. Also what should I do with...
Can you tell me how to deal with foxgloves that have gone to seed. Should I cut off the tall stalks or should they be left. They have seeded all...
Is it possible to divide a cistus (rock rose) bush which is spreading sideways. I would like to plant a part of it elsewhere. Other websites say...
I had to dig out some hyacinth bulbs from where they had flowered profusely. Can someone tell me whether I should replant them now or wait till...
Is there a distinction between 'cowslip' and 'primula'?
Hallo Kedi-Gato - I'm curious to know how you get the cat moving. I would like to use one as a background on my computer - is that possible and...
Thanks dendrobium for your advice.
b Mona Lisa Thanks for your advice: have posted again in Gen Discussion. I'm impressed with your 'Mona Lisa' icon/portrait and have to ask: how do...
Can someone advise me: 1. whether it is possible to divide a cistus bush and if so how; 2. when to prune a forsythia bush.
Excellent pictures - such details - you must have a top class camera. Well done.
Separate names with a comma.