A could be Hollyhock C Hellebore D could be comfrey? E Fuchsia? F 1/2 dead Polemoniium or Jacobs Ladder
Difficult to see scale but my thought was Nigella aka Love in a Mist. It does self seed freely. You will know soon if a blue flower apears
That's only a baby, probably grown from a stray seed - they do get very much bigger. The time to prune is early March then it will flower on the...
3 are viola, 5 is Hemerocalis or Day Lily Both of these have edible flowers, but perhaps if you started eating them it would give a confusing...
First is hard to see but could be Ragwort a weed yes but also food plant for the beautiful Cinibar Moth Second is a Penstemon of some variety, a...
I find it does much better sown in the autumn, producing leaves from Oct thru til April in an average winter. Like you I leave some plants to self...
There is a slight possibility of it growing back together like a graft if it is bound up fairly tightly with tape. To increase the chances you...
Beetroot goes to seed if sown too early, perhaps before May. There are a few varieties which don't such as Boltardy They can also go to seed if...
The RHS Plant Finder lists only Ben More so I guess the others are mis -spellings. It happens all the time and even big, famous nurseries are...
I use several mulching mowers and find them alright but with limitations, pricipally they struggle to cope with longer grass, alright if you mow...
Absolutely - it's White Bryony ( Bryonia alba ) and it's poisonous, particularly the fruit
The other simple test for soil is by the texture and feel of it, is it smooth or gritty? Does it stick together when wet, can you roll it into a...
I regularly take cuttings of Bowles Mauve and find it quite easy with perhaps 90% rooting in gritty compost even as late as Sept. Mavis Bowles I...
The best carpeting thymes are varieties of T. serphyllum, growing only 1 inch or 2 high. T. s. minimus only grows to about 1cm high but spreads well
Geoffrey Smith borrowed the quoteI know but I thought he was better known. Have you seen the rock gardens at Harlow Carr? In need of...
Charlotte does flower - mine are just in bud now, ready to come on as second early
Thyme likes it well drained and sunny, rich soil not required - think mediterranean hillside. There are some excellent low-growing varieties,...
Rockeries are actually very difficult to do properly without them ending up as Dog Graves ( a mound edged by stones ) or Plum Puddings ( a mound...
Its Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum aka Stinking Bob According to point of view it's an attractive wildflower or a weed. It pulls up or hoes...
It's Euphorbia griffithii Fireglow Usual time to move or divide it would be March/April as it's coming into growth. If you really must move it...
Separate names with a comma.