my morning glory,perrenial helianthus, salvia patens are in full flower your plants look lovely a tip when growing sedum is givve them a cut back...
nandina domestica [sacred bamboo]summer/autumnolearia macrodonta [daisy bush]summer garrya ecliptica spring three easy care shrubs for all year...
pete with the biggest and best plants he catches the biggest and best earwigs :D :D
hello pete the dahlias now are about 10 to 12ft they should be coming into flower within the next month i will keep checking the cornus kousa...
butterflies, that amazing flower you buy then forget about till you see it in full bloom, children especially my own laughing a nice warm day in...
hello Anthony hope you enjoy forum i came across by chance now am addicted it is a joy to garden once you start it is normally the daft questions...
hello you are on the right lines give it a good mulch now lots of well rotted compost and another go in spring it shoould of started growing by...
i was on about that today we think it is because it has been so dry the past couple of years they are producing more to keep the gene pool going...
no pete did not get it from wisley got it as a young plant cannot remember where. my dahlia imperialis died but i do go to see them on the...
people who think they are doing you a favour when you are parting with your hard earned money in a shop some are so rude and not just the young...
hello you can prune in autumn or spring you can prune back to the trunk and it will regrow so it is as hard as you like they are so easy good luck...
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