Ha ha,I like to grow unusual things to, and not a big fan of cucumbers, the exploding cucumber looked like lots of fun (they say you should...
Ive been on both those sites Ziggy, got some really cool cucumber type things (exploding cucumber, which is going crazy, west Indian gherkin which...
My first one I bought off ebay for about £20, when it arrived i found it was only 4 stackable plastic boxes with a lid on one and a tap screwed in...
Don't use anything acidic on the worms, they like things on the alkaline side if anything that why some people say to add small amounts of lime or...
Thanks for the replies guys.My aim this year is to grow un-bitter cucs as the last two years the ones I've grown have been really bitter and...
I'd agree with JWK, some top soil in there will help keep the moisture locked in, as organic based compost can dry out a lot quicker. In my green...
Hi,I've got several types of cucumber and gherkin seedlings that are almost ready to be planted in their final position. But I've been...
Kandy, Do you have any pics of the larvae that Armandii mentioned? Ta
I've never bought a wisteria myself, but i recall an episode of GQT when they suggested you buy one that is in flower, that way you can be sure it...
My first encounter with the lily beetle has occurred this week. I was walking past the lilies (which were totally untouched last year) and...
Just an update (if anyone is interested).On my way home from work I stopped off at a garden centre (the third of the day) and found a small...
Hi,I’m after some help sourcing some “exotic” gherkin seeds, after hearing about them from various sources I really fancy having a go at...
Thanks for the help chaps.The soil pH is ~5.5-6.After reading some articles and on the advice in them I double dug the ground, with the idea...
Hi,Last year I decided to change a disused strip of my garden into a "wild flower meadow" type affair. It is a strip of grass about 2.5...
Also, I was going to ask - some of the clumps of spawn are sitting half out of the water (a bit like in Roders' pic, but higher out of the water),...
Mine arrived yesterday morning as well (Barnsley, South Yorkshire). When I left for work there was one small patch, when i got back both ponds...
I’m sure it’s an age old question but I can’t find the answer on GC…. I’m going through catalogues and the web choosing my seeds (sets) for...
I don't know if we are allowed to talk companies/brands etc (so feel free to delete this thread if inappropriate/against the rules….)Does...
When we moved in the hedge was about 9-10 feet, which we hated. We asked both sets of neighbors (neither of which are gardening types) and they...
Separate names with a comma.