this is my first year of growing, and so i dont know what to sow in autumn, im contemplating this order from realseeds: PeJu (Oskar Very Early...
anyone tried it out yet?
whats chilli related damage ? :s :P
why're they in plastic bags?
success?... i turned my pile today and to my suprise it was pretty hot in the middle, but only in one particular spot... could this mean some...
yeah cape gooseberry leaves are pretty furry, and [mine at least] are more circular bush shaped than the picture... im not sure cape gooseberries...
it might be to do with the face that theyre surrounded by roses! i just read an article saying that theyre closely related, and so you shouldnt...
i set up a giant space sattelite to focus all the sunlight on my garden :p but really its on the windowsill in my garage...
is this blight? i find it really hard to tell from internet pictures, all tomato diseases look like brown spots to me....
has anyone here actually ever got their heap 'hot'? it seems impossible for me
thanks guys :] that's a very good piece of information there as i do tend to get heartburn/indigestion
hmmm. grown on clay-ish soil beneath a tree, but the tree isnt shading them much at all, ive been feeding them, but i havent been watering, i...
i have lots of radishes and no idea how to eat them. i found eating one straight a bit challenging tastewise. any recipes/suggestions?
thanks! i might do that then :]
yeah i've never got my compost to get any heat going to be honest. nothings worked and it amazes me that its even possible
yeah gardening can be a bit depressing to start when hopes are so high... you've just got to take every little win, like the hydrangeas... i have...
im also considering air-layering this side shoot to stop the fruit dropping whilst removing this sideshoot
well , this is strange... the side shoot i left on one plant has been the first to set some fruits, so that must be a slight advantage to leaving...
any of you grow salvia divinorum?
totally agree, aimless wandering all the way!
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